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Highlights from Rich Horwath’s Keynote Speech, “Strategic Thinking: The Key to Unlocking Profitable and Professional Growth”

Master the Four Disciplines of Strategic Fitness

A study of more than 10,000 senior executives showed that the #1 most important leadership behavior critical to company success is “being strategic.” However, research shows only 3 out of every 10 leaders has mastered this skill. And since bad strategy is the main cause of business bankruptcy 80% of the time, having leaders that can think, plan, and act strategically is often the difference between success and failure. 

Strategy Unplugged: From Zero to Strategy in 60 Minutes

Ask 10 people for their definition of strategy and you’re likely to get ten different answers. This inconsistent understanding of strategy leads to bad strategy. In fact, 67% of managers surveyed said their organizations were bad at developing strategy. Result: the #1 cause of business failure is bad strategy. If you and your team don’t understand strategy today, you may not have a business tomorrow.

Strategy for You: Building a Bridge to the Life You Want

Are you where you want to be in your career? Are you where you want to be in your life? You and you alone can set your strategic direction. You and you alone will decide if you’ve reached your full potential. You and you alone will look back on your life with great joy or great regret. The choice is yours. Strategy is the power to get from where you are today, to where you want to go — the power to live strategically.

New York Times Bestselling Author On Strategic Thinking

Here is an overview of Rich’s experience, expertise, and keynote speeches.

Keynote Speeches