A New Strategic Thinking Course

Does your team know what strategy is? A survey of 400 managers by the Human Capital Media Research and Advisory Group found that only 44.3 percent of organizations have a universal definition of strategy, and less than half (46 percent) have a common language for strategy. This inconsistent understanding leads to confusion, inefficiency, and bad strategy. In fact, research published in the Harvard Business Review showed that 67 percent of managers surveyed believe that their companies are bad at developing strategy. When you couple these facts with research showing that the #1 cause of business failure, more than 80 percent of the time, is bad strategy, it makes for a dangerous combination.

Join the management team at Technobody, a manufacturer of wearable technology, as they explore what strategy is and battle the villains Jargon Goblin and Ignormous in chapter one of my book, StrategyMan vs. The Anti-Strategy Squad: Using Strategic Thinking to Defeat Bad Strategy and Save Your Plan.

Find out if the management team at Technobody was able to save their strategic plan and defeat the Anti-Strategy Squad by reading more of the StrategyMan Book and then take the StrategyMan Course to see if you can master all 12 levels and become a strategy superhero.

The Strategic Fitness System

Where Executives Become Elite

Greatness in any arena requires continuous practice. If you want to be a difference maker in your industry, then you need a place to practice the key business skills along with the knowledge and tools to get better. The Strategic Fitness System is a new state-of-the-art, on-demand executive development platform for practicing how to think, plan, and act strategically. It offers unlimited access to over 50 strategic workouts and 200+ resources in the areas of Strategy, Leadership, Organization, and Communication. Join the echelon of elite executives and start enhancing your strategic fitness by visiting Strategic-Fitness-System.com to learn more and subscribe today. After all, practice makes profit.

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Developing Your Strategic Fitness

September 5, 2024


Storytelling to Strategize

September 3, 2024