In business, we define profit as a financial benefit that is realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses. Do you live a profitable life? Or, are you putting in much more than you’re gaining? Too often, we spend countless hours in work or other activities and feel frustrated because we’re not getting much out of it. Take the quiz below to find out if you live strategically.

1.  Do you have a written plan for your life that outlines your goals and strategies?

Yes ☐    No ☐

2.  Are you happy with the job you have?

Yes ☐    No ☐

3.  Do you believe your strengths and passion are fully utilized in your work?

Yes ☐    No ☐

4.  Have you felt frustrated at work that you’re being spread too thin and can’t provide as much value as you’d like?

Yes ☐    No ☐

5.  Are you investing as much time and energy as you’d like in relationships with family and friends?

Yes ☐    No ☐

6.  Have you recently spent time assessing your current situation in life and used those insights to develop plans to improve it?

Yes ☐    No ☐

7.  Have you identified your mission, or purpose in life?

Yes ☐    No ☐

8.  Do you have a clear picture of your vision, or future aspiration?

Yes ☐    No ☐

9.  Have you identified your 3-5 values, the principles you believe should guide your behavior at work and home?

Yes ☐    No ☐

10. Do you have a developmental plan in place to improve your mind, body, finances and relationships?

Yes ☐    No ☐

11.  Have you identified what your unique strengths are?

Yes ☐    No ☐

12.  Do you know what differentiates you from your colleagues at work that perform the same job?

Yes ☐    No ☐

13.  Can you describe in one sentence how your strengths provide unique value to others?

Yes ☐    No ☐

14.  Have you ever tracked where and on what you spend your time for one week, down to 30-minute intervals?

Yes ☐    No ☐

15. Do you have a written “Not-To-Do” list at work, identifying the things you have specifically chosen not to do or spend time on?

Yes ☐    No ☐

16. Do you have a written “Not-To-Do” list at home, identifying the things you have specifically chosen not to do or spend time on?

Yes ☐    No ☐

17.  Have you created a 1-2 page action plan to guide your work?

Yes ☐    No ☐

18.  Have you created a 1-2 page action plan to guide your personal life?

Yes ☐    No ☐

19.  Are you regularly communicating your goals and strategies with your family?

Yes ☐    No ☐

20.  Do you believe you are living your life to the fullest?

Yes ☐    No ☐

Score 1 point for each Yes.

18 – 20 points = Congratulations! You are living strategically

14 – 17 points = Solid strategic foundation; on the verge of great success

10 – 13 points = Strategic drift; lacking direction to realize your full potential

< 10 points = In a constant state of reactivity; time for a rethink


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